Displaying 109 - 144 of 208
Test Name Soft Order Code
Point of Care- Post Vasectomy Analysis, PPM PPMVS
Point of Care- Prothrombin Time (INR), CoaguChek WBPT7/PPTWB
Point of Care- SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), GeneXpert PCOV2
Point of Care- SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)/ Influenza (A,B)/ RSV by PCR, GeneXpert P4PLX
Point of Care- Scabies Skin Analysis, PPM PPMSC
Point of Care- Streptococcus Group A Antigen, OSOM PSTPA
Point of Care- Survival Flight Blood Gas and Lactic Panel, i-Stat PSFG
Point of Care- Survival Flight Blood Gas Panel, i-Stat PSFP
Point of Care- Urinalysis (Manual), Siemens Multistix 10 SG POCMU
Point of Care- Urinalysis, Clinitek POCUA
Point of Care- Urine Pregnancy Radiology, SureVue PRGR
Point of Care- Venous BG, i-Stat (Drawstation) PGASV
Point of Care- Venous Blood Gas, i-Stat GASPV
Point of Care-Ped's Cath Venous Blood Gas, Gem 5000 PCBGV
Point of Care-pH Nasogastric Fluid PNGPH
Point of Care-Provider Performed Crystal Analysis (Synovial Fluid), PPM PPCRY
Point of Care-Skin KOH, PPM PPMSK
Point of Care-Total Bilirubin, Piccolo TBILP
Point of Care-Trichomonas, OSOM PTRIC
Point of Care-Urine Drug Screen, Abbott iScreen DX Drug Screen Square Cup PUDS2
Point of Care-Urine Microscopy, PPM PPMUA
Point of Care-Urine Pregnancy, SureVue PRGU
Point of Care-Urine Specific Gravity, ATAGO PSPGR
POLE Mutation POLE
Poliovirus Antibody, Neutralization FPOLO
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Congeners/Aroclors ) MMLR
Porphobilinogen (PBG), Quantitative, Urine PBG
Porphobilinogen (PBG), Urine - Qualitative Screen PORBL
Porphobilinogen Deaminase (PBG-D), Washed RBC PBGDW
Porphobilinogen Deaminase (PBG-D), Whole Blood PBGDB
Porphyrin Evaluation, Washed RBC MMLR
Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random, Urine PQNRU
Porphyrins, Quantitative, Urine PQNU
Porphyrins, Stool FQPPS
Porphyrins, Total, Plasma PTP
Posaconazole POSA