Displaying 73 - 108 of 203
Test Name Soft Order Code
Platelet Transmission Electron Microscopy Study PTEM
PM/Scl-100 Antibody LPMSC
PML/RARA t(15;17) Translocation, Quantitative QPML
Pneumocystis DNA by PCR, Qualitative PCRPC
PNH Marker Panel PLINK
Point of Care Testing
Point of Care- Active Clotting Time, Hemochron PACT
Point of Care- Arterial BG, i-Stat (Drawstation) PGASA
Point of Care- Arterial Blood Gas, i-Stat GASPA
Point of Care- Basic Metabolic Panel Plus, i-Stat PBMPP
Point of Care- Basic Panel, i-Stat PIBMP
Point of Care- Basic Panel, Piccolo PPBMP
Point of Care- Comprehensive Panel, Piccolo PCOMP
Point of Care- Creatinine, i-Stat PCRET
Point of Care- Demodex Mite Skin Analysis, PPM PPMDP
Point of Care- Electrolytes, Creatinine, and Hematocrit, i-Stat PILCH
Point of Care- Ferning, PPM PFERN
Point of Care- Fetal Membrane Rupture, ROM PPROM
Point of Care- Glucose, i-Stat PIGLU
Point of Care- Glucose, Roche Accu-Chek Inform II GLUCM
Point of Care- Hemodialysis Arterial Blood Gas, Gem 5000 PDIAA
Point of Care- Hemodialysis Potassium, Gem 5000 PDIAK
Point of Care- Hemodialysis Venous Blood Gas, Gem 5000 PDIAV
Point of Care- Hemoglobin A1C, DCA Vantage PA1C2
Point of Care- Hemoglobin Whole Blood, Hemocue PHGB
Point of Care- Lipid Profile, Cholestech PLIPD
Point of Care- Occult Blood Stool PHCLT
Point of Care- OR Arterial Blood Gas, GEM 5000 OGLA
Point of Care- OR Complete Blood Cell Count, Sysmex XP 300 ORCBC
Point of Care- OR Venous Blood Gas, GEM 5000 OGLV
Point of Care- Osmolality POSMO
Point of Care- Oxyhemoglobin Saturation, Avoximeter PHBO2
Point of Care- Ped's Cath Arterial Blood Gas, Gem 5000 PCBGA
Point of Care- Post Vasectomy Analysis, PPM PPMVS
Point of Care- Prothrombin Time (INR), CoaguChek PPTWB
Point of Care- SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), GeneXpert PCOV2