Test Overview
Test Methodology

Provider performed microscopy

Test Usage

Performed by authorized providers in the point of care. Urine sediment examination is used for detection and identification of formed elements in the urine. The test involves the collection of urine and microscopic examination of urine sediment for formed elements such as cells, casts crystals, and microorganisms. Identification of urinary elements assist in the diagnosis of disease states manifested in the kidneys, bladder and genitourinary tract. The microscopic urine sediment examination may be useful in confirming an abnormal macroscopic urinalysis.

Reference Range *

RBC: Normal (0-3)/HPF
WBC: Normal (0-3)/HPF
Bacterial: Negative
Epithelial Cell: Normal (0-3) LPF

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

•To thick a preparation may obscure elements and can cause a false negative reading.
•Urines the are grossly bloody or have a distinct abnormal coloring may obscure elements and can cause false negative or false positive readings.
•Turbidity of fresh urine suggests pus or red blood cells. When normal urine has cooled, crystals may precipitate and cause turbidity. Make sure specimen is room temperature and well mixed before testing to allow crystals to dissolve to prevent false positive reporting.
•High pH can cause degradation of cells and amorphous sediment.
•Transitional cells can absorb fluid and appear like Renal cells.
•Delay in specimen transportation may result in bacterial over growth and erroneous results.
•Specimens not obtained by "clean catch" methods often may contain elements from sources other than the urinary tract.

Test Details
Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Urine Microscopy, Point of Care
    Point of Care
    Point of Care
    Specimen Requirements
    Collection Instructions

    Collect a random clean catch urine sample from the patient for testing.

    Rejection Criteria
    Specimens not obtained via the "clean-catch" method
    Additional Information

    For more test specific information, please refer to the test procedure found on the Michigan Medicine POC website: https://www.pathology.med.umich.edu/point-of-care

    CPT Code
    RBC (58449-0), WBC (5821-4), Bacteria (5821-4), Epithelial (53132-7)
    NY State Approved