Displaying 73 - 108 of 129
Test Name Soft Order Code
Mitochondrial Antibody MITO
Mitotane (Lysodren) MITAN
Mixing Study, Inhibitor Screen MIXST
MLH1 Promoter Methylation MLH1M
MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 Sequencing and Del/Dup (NGS) CCND
MMA Disorders Gene Sequencing Panel NB31
MMACHC Gene Sequencing MMAC
MMUT Gene Sequencing MMUT
Molar Pregnancy NANOR
Molecular Bacterial Vaginosis MBV/MBVSC
Molecular Genetics Clinical Identification of a Familial Mutation CLIFS/CLIF2
Molecular Genetics Clinical Verification of Research Results CLVRS/CLVR2
Molecular Vaginosis-Vaginitis Panel MVP/MVPSC
Monkeypox Virus DNA, Qualitative Real-Time PCR FMPVP
Monoclonal Gammopathy Evaluation MGE2
Monocyte Type I/II Interferon (IFN) Signature Panel NCIFN
Mouse Epithelium, IgE MOUSE
Mouse Urine Protein IgE MOUP
Movement Disorder, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation MDS2
Movement Disorder, Autoimmune/Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Spinal Fluid MDC2
MPL Mutation MPLMD
MPS I (Hurler Syndrome) Enzyme Analysis GMPS1
MPS I/II Urine Analysis GMPSU
MSH2 Gene Sequencing MSH2S
MSH2 Targeted Sequencing, Familial MSH2F
Mucopolysaccharides, Quantitative, Urine MPSQU
Multiple Myeloma Minimal Residual Disease by Flow Cytometry, Bone Marrow MMRDM
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Profile, Serum and CSF MSP3
Mumps Virus Antibody, IgG MUMPG
Mumps Virus Antibody, IgM MUMPM
Muscle Biopsy
Mushroom IgE MUSH
MuSK Antibody MMUSK
Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation with MuSK Reflex MGMR
Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation, Lambert-Eaton Syndrome MGLE
Myasthenia Gravis Reflexive Panel MMLR