Test Overview
Test Methodology


Test Usage

This real-time polymerase chain reaction test provides qualitative detection of non-variola Orthopoxvirus (ie, monkeypox) DNA in swab specimens of skin or genital lesions present in individuals with suspected monkeypox.

Reference Range *

Orthopoxvirus DNA, QL PCR: Not Detected; Monkeypox Virus DNA, QL PCR: Not Detected

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

Additional Information: Source information should include anatomical site of collection. Each lesion should be ordered separately. To avoid cross contamination, do not combine multiple sites into one order.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Sunday - Saturday
Analytic Time

6 - 10 days

Soft Order Code
  • Monkeypox
Reference Laboratory
Special Testing
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

1. Swab or brush the lesion vigorously (not obtaining adequate DNA can result in inconclusive results) with 2 sterile swabs.
2. Place both swabs in same 1 tube containing VTM.
3. Send frozen

Normal Volume
2 swabs
Minimum Volume
2 swabs
Storage Temperature
Frozen preferred, Refrigerated acceptable
Rejection Criteria
Swab submission tubes containing foam, gel, charcoal, or any liquid besides viral transport media
Glass transport tubes
Swabs submitted in paper swab packaging sleeve
Wood swabs
Foam tipped swabs
Cotton swabs
Bloody specimens
Additional Information

Test sent to Mayo Clinic Laboratories, performed by Quest Diagnostics

CPT Code
87593 x2
Fee Code
NY State Approved