Using Technology to Advance Patient Care and Safety

In decades past, people often lived lifelong within a narrow geographic region and received healthcare from one institution. Today, our population is highly mobile. Individuals may receive healthcare from locations across the United States and globally. This causes significant safety issues for patients who need blood transfusions, especially those who are unable to relay their medical history.

Re-envisioning a Modern Informatics Ecosystem

The paths to pathology are as varied as the members taking them. Sometimes, the path is very direct—the student knows exactly what they want to do from childhood. Other times, the path is non-linear, as is the case with Dr. Daniel Hovelson, director of informatics in the Division of Diagnostic Genetics and Genomics (DGG) in the University of Michigan's Department of Pathology.

CAP Today Features U-M Pathology's Digital Pathology Service

When one hears “Artificial Intelligence” – what comes to mind? For some, it may be Terminator-style beings or rogue artificial life forms. In Pathology, however, AI is bringing enhanced patient care and improved satisfaction to pathologists, patients, and clinicians alike. In a recent article in CAP Today, Michigan Medicine’s Department of Pathology was highlighted for its advanced digital pathology workflows.

CAP Today Features U-M Pathology's Digital Pathology Service

When one hears “Artificial Intelligence” – what comes to mind? For some, it may be Terminator-style beings or rogue artificial life forms. In Pathology, however, AI is bringing enhanced patient care and improved satisfaction to pathologists, patients, and clinicians alike. In a recent article in CAP Today, Michigan Medicine’s Department of Pathology was highlighted for its advanced digital pathology workflows.

Collaboration between cytopathologists and clinical team leads to a publication in Thyroid® : Official Journal of the American Thyroid Association

Multidisciplinary team collaboration is essential in clinical research, as it brings diverse expertise and perspectives to enhance the comprehensiveness and quality of studies. Our recent publication “Performance of Arima Genomic Sequencing Classifier in Binary Subcategories of Atypia of Undetermined Significance Thyroid Nodules: Single Versus Repeated Diagnosis” in Thyroid®, a prestigious official journal of the American Thyroid Association, exemplifies this approach. Authored by Drs. Xiaobing Jin (the first author), Madelyn Lew, Amer Heider, and Xin Jing (senior author), as well as Brian Smola, CT, and a group of clinicians specialized in thyroid diseases, this study represents a significant collaboration between cytopathologists and clinicians.

Is it Cancer? Patient-Centered Pathology Reports vs. Standard Pathology Reports in a new study from the Department of Pathology at Michigan

Imagine you are a patient who just had a biopsy completed. You wait nervously for the results and check your patient portal to see if any results have been received. After an anxious couple of days, you receive the results, only to read them and have no idea what they mean. It is Friday afternoon, your doctor’s office is closed, and you fret all weekend. This scenario plays out frequently and was the impetus for a research study conducted by Dr. Cathryn Lapedis and colleagues.

Honoring Dr. Jeffrey Myers: A Trailblazer in Pathology Moves to Retirement

After 43 years of service, Dr. Jeffrey Myers is shifting his focus from the world of pathology to other things too long neglected including family, friends, and music, as he transitions from A. James French Professor of Diagnostic Pathology and Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs and Quality to active emeritus faculty effective January 1, 2025. He will still be around for six months, wrapping up ongoing projects and serving in an advisory role as the department transitions to a future state without him.

Dr. Jeffrey Myers Honored at Retirement Reception

Nearly 19 years have passed since a force of nature swept into the Department of Pathology at the University of Michigan and permanently altered the landscape. Dr. Jeffrey Myers’ time in the Department was celebrated on November 25th as he approaches retirement at the end of 2024. Hundreds of current and former faculty and staff attended his retirement celebration, recalling his impact on their lives personally and professionally.

U-M Pathology Hosts Inaugural Global Pathology Summit

The Department of Pathology recently hosted its first Global Pathology Summit, marking a significant step in addressing health disparities through advancements in pathology. Dr. Rouba Ali-Fehmi, the summit director, welcomed attendees and highlighted the essential role of global pathology in healthcare, the transformative potential of digital pathology and artificial intelligence (AI), and the importance of sustainable partnerships.