Collaboration between cytopathologists and clinical team leads to a publication in Thyroid® : Official Journal of the American Thyroid Association

Multidisciplinary team collaboration is essential in clinical research, as it brings diverse expertise and perspectives to enhance the comprehensiveness and quality of studies. Our recent publication “Performance of Arima Genomic Sequencing Classifier in Binary Subcategories of Atypia of Undetermined Significance Thyroid Nodules: Single Versus Repeated Diagnosis” in Thyroid®, a prestigious official journal of the American Thyroid Association, exemplifies this approach. Authored by Drs. Xiaobing Jin (the first author), Madelyn Lew, Amer Heider, and Xin Jing (senior author), as well as Brian Smola, CT, and a group of clinicians specialized in thyroid diseases, this study represents a significant collaboration between cytopathologists and clinicians.

Leading the Charge

Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts.  It is about one life influencing another,” John Maxwell.

In early 2020, the truth of this statement came to life in the Department of Pathology.  Our country, our world, was faced with a pandemic caused by a novel virus for which no hard and fast answers were to be had. In the face of constantly changing “facts,” leadership in Pathology was found at all levels. It began with the Chair, Dr. Charles Parkos.