By Anastazia Hartman

Every October, Michigan Medicine recognizes Quality Month as a reminder that we work to create an environment of excellence for patients, families, faculty, and staff. Here in the Department of Pathology, our Division of Quality and Health Improvement, or DQHI, is a unit that supports operational quality activities, providing expertise and resources in various ways. 

Nearing its tenth anniversary, DQHI has always reimagined the role of pathology and laboratory medicine in the care of patients and continuously pushes the envelope of what’s possible. More specifically it focuses on changing the way pathology is practiced and how it transforms the patient experience. 

“Quality is an essential component of laboratory medicine that should be strived for continuously. There is always room for improvement,” said Brian Smola, Cytopathology Lab Manager. “Our DQHI team plays a key role. They are highly trained individuals, who manage our QI needs from start to finish, all while requesting feedback from those that perform the work.  It is a remarkable, symbiotic relationship that ultimately improves the care of our patients without disruption to normal workflow.” 

Learn more about DQHI’s support for the Department of Pathology, here.

