Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody
Order Code: AGBM
Fee Code: 21976 (CPT 86255)
LOINC: 53260-6
New Order Code: GBM
New Fee Code: KA054 (CPT 83516)
New LOINC: 63262-0 Qualitative Antibody Interpretation (GBMI)
59394-7 Antibody Index Value (GBMN)
Effective December 1, 2022, MLabs Immunology Laboratory will transition from an Indirect Fluorescent Antibody to a Multiplex Bead Immunoassay test methodology utilizing the BioPlex 2200 instrument for Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody testing. Reflex testing to antibody titer (Fee Code 21976 CPT 86256) and professional fee interpretation (CPT 86255-26) will be discontinued. There will be no change to specimen collection and handling requirements.