Test Overview
Test Methodology

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Immunoassay

Test Usage

Antibodies to soluble liver antigen (SLA) appear to be directed against the UGA-suppressor tRNA associated protein. These antibodies are highly specific for autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and may, rarely, be the only autoantibodies detected in serum from such patients. Antibodies to SLA are most closely associated with AIH type1; the presence of these antibodies in patients with cryptogenic hepatitis suggests that these patients may have AIH type 1. Anti-SLA antibodies may be detected in some patients with the primary biliary cirrhosis-AIH overlap syndrome, but not in healthy controls.

Reference Range *

Negative: 0.0 - 20.0 U; Equivocal: 20.1 - 24.9 U; Positive: >or=25.0 U

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Analytic Time

4 - 14 days

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Soluble Liver Antigen (SLA) IgG Ab (Sendout)
  • FLSA
  • SLA IgG Antibody
Reference Laboratory
Mayo FSLAA (57735) (Quest Nichols 38928)
Special Testing
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Collect specimen in a red top or SST tube. Centrifuge, aliquot serum into a plastic vial and refrigerate.

Normal Volume
1 mL serum
Minimum Volume
0.3 mL serum
Additional Information

Test sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories; performed by Quest Nichols.

CPT Code
Fee Code