Test Overview
Test Methodology
Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
Test Usage
Detect and quantitate RUNX1-RUNX1T1 fusions arising from t(8;21) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
Reference Range *
Interpretive report provided.
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
Test Details
Days Set Up
Analytic Time
6 - 10 days
Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Reference Laboratory
ARUP 2010138
Special Testing
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions
Collect blood in a lavender top tube. Send specimen intact as whole blood to Specimen Processing, refrigerated. Tube must be received by ARUP within 48 hours of collection. Draw Mon-Fri (before 12:00 pm on Friday) only.
Special Handling
Must be kept refrigerated. Specimen stability is 1 hour at room temp. Extracted RNA is a strict frozen
Alternate Specimen
ARUP will accept extracted RNA 50 microliters at a concentration of 40 ng/microliter with a volume up to 1.75 mL. They will run it with a disclaimer. Ship frozen
Normal Volume
5 mL blood; 3 mL bone marrow. Sent intact as whole blood. Extracted RNA: 40 uL RNA with at least 40 ng/uL concentration
Minimum Volume
3 mL blood or 1 mL bone marrow. Sent intact as whole blood. Extracted RNA: 40 uL RNA with at least 40 ng/uL concentration
Storage Temperature
Refrigerated for blood/bone marrow. Extracted RNA is Frozen
Rejection Criteria
Any other anticoagulant than EDTA. Specimen ambient > 1 hour. Frozen specimens.
Additional Information
Test sent to ARUP Laboratories.
CPT Code
NY State Approved