Test Overview
Test Methodology

Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)

Test Usage

Detection of respiratory viruses Influenza A, Influenza B, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Reference Range *


* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

A negative test does not rule out infection. The specimen must be taken at the appropriate time during infection and properly stored and transported; if optimum conditions are not met, the viral agents may not be detected in the presence of an infection.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Analytic Time

1 day (6 hours for UM Inpatient and ED)

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Influenza A, B, RSV by PCR
  • Respiratory viruses Screen
  • RSV by PCR
  • Influenza Virus (A, B) by PCR
  • Influenza B by PCR
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus by PCR
  • Influenza A by PCR
  • Viral Respiratory Screen
  • Influenza Virus (A, B) by PCR
  • Swine Flu (H1N1) Screen
Specimen Requirements

Use flocked swab, dacron or rayon swab to obtain specimen and place into M4-RT transport medium. Refrigerate. M6-RT or UTM transport media is also acceptable. Deliver to the laboratory as soon as possible. The possibility for virus isolation decreases as the length of storage time increases. Many viral agents will survive at room temperature for several hours; however, for optimum recovery of viruses, please refrigerate; do not freeze.

Special Handling

For patients seen in the ER (CES or ESA) please order test code ERSC instead of PCRSC. Test code ERSC will receive priority testing and is only approved for use by clinicians in the emergency department.

Alternate Specimen
M6-RT (Remel M6) or UTM (BD or Copan Universal Transport Medium) transport media is acceptable.
Normal Volume
1 nasopharyngeal swab
Storage Temperature
Refrigerate 2-8 C
Additional Information

Adenovirus testing is not included in this panel.

CPT Code
Fee Code
Influenza A: 34487-9, Influenza B: 40982-1, RSV: 40988-8
NY State Approved