Test Overview
Isolate, identify and quantitate aerobic organisms.
No growth of aerobic bacteria
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
Bronch brush is unsuitable for direct smear. BAL: Direct smear will be performed.
Test Details
Preliminary results are reported in 18 - 24 hours. Negative cultures are reported after 3 days.
- Aerobe Bacterial Culture, Bronch Brush Quantitative
- BAL Culture
- Bronchoalveolar Lavage Culture
- Quantitative Bronch Brush Aerobe Bacterial Culture
- Bronch Brush Quantitative, Aerobic Bacterial Culture
- Quantitative Culture, Respiratory
Specimen Requirements
Specimen transport should be arranged so that the specimen is received by MLabs within 24 hours of collection. Call for a STAT courier or send via overnight delivery. Send BAL specimens in a sterile container with no additive, at 4 degrees C (refrigerated). Testing on bronch brush specimens is available only to University of Michigan registered patients.
Additional Information
Brush: All organisms isolated with 3000 or more CFU/brush will be identified. BAL: Up to 3 significant organisms at 10,000 CFU/mL will be identified. A gram negative rod in pure culture will be identified at < 10,000 CFU/mL. Test includes susceptibility testing of potentially pathogenic organism(s) at an additional charge unless specifically declined.