Test Overview
Test Methodology

Osmotic lysis, Flow Cytometry, Medical Interpretation

Test Usage

Investigation of suspected red cell membrane disorders, such as hereditary spherocytosis or hereditary pyropoikilocytosis. This test is not useful for hereditary elliptocytosis.

Reference Range *

Interpretive report provided

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Saturday
Soft Order Code
    Reference Laboratory
    Mayo RBCME
    Special Testing
    Specimen Requirements
    Collection Instructions

    A whole blood EDTA specimen, an EDTA shipping control specimen, and 2 well-made peripheral blood smears (Wright stained or fixed in absolute methanol) are required for testing. The shipping control is used to evaluate whether a patient result has been compromised by handling conditions such as temperature, motion, or other transportation interferences. Temperature and handling extremes can adversely impact the integrity of the specimen.
    Collect the patient and normal control (non-related, non-smoking individual) into EDTA lav top tubes. Rubber band the two tubes together. Send to Specimen Processing refrigerated. Tubes MUST be received by Mayo within 72 hours of collection.

    Special Handling

    Patient and control tubes must be rubber banded together

    Normal Volume
    4 mL whole blood
    Minimum Volume
    2 mL whole blood
    Storage Temperature
    Rejection Criteria
    Test will be canceled if a control is not collected form a non-related, non-smoking individual and sent rubber banded to the patient sample
    Additional Information

    Test performed by Mayo Clinic Laboratories

    CPT Code
    85557, 88184, 85060
    NY State Approved