Test Overview
Test Methodology

DNA Extraction/Cell Culture

Test Usage

Preparing parental blood specimen for possible confirmation testing if an abnormality is detected on the prenatal array sample
DNA extraction of the maternal blood specimen used for maternal cell contamination testing

Reference Range *

No interpretation will be provided. This test is for specimen processing only.

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday
Analytic Time


Soft Order Code
    Reference Laboratory
    Mayo PPAP
    Special Testing
    Specimen Requirements

    1. The reason for testing is required.
    2. Include the name listed on the prenatal specimen that was submitted for CMAP / Chromosomal Microarray, Prenatal, Amniotic Fluid/Chorionic Villus Sampling.

    Collection Instructions

    Collect specimens in a green top (sodium heparin) AND a lavender top (EDTA) tubes. Send as whole blood to Specimen Processing ambient, in original collection tubes

    Normal Volume
    4 mL Green top and 3 mL Lavender top whole blood
    Minimum Volume
    2 mL Green top and 2 mL Lavender top whole blood
    Storage Temperature
    Ambient preferred, refrigerated acceptable
    Additional Information

    Test performed by Mayo Clinic Laboratories

    NY State Approved