Test Overview
Test Usage

Aid in the diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurological autoimmune disorders related to carcinoma of lung, breast, ovary, thymoma, or Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Reference Range *

Interpretive report provided.

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

Negative results do not exclude cancer.

Test Details
Analytic Time

10 - 17 days

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Evaluation, CSF (Sendout)
  • Anti Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 1, 2, or 3 CSF
  • Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Type 1, CSF
  • Antineuronal Nuclear Antibodies CSF
  • ANNA-3, CSF
  • ANNA-2, CSF
  • ANNA-1, CSF
  • Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody, Type Tr, CSF
  • Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody, Type 2, CSF
  • Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody, Type 1, CSF
  • PCA-Tr, CSF
  • PCA-2, CSF
  • PCA-1, CSF
  • Anti-Glial Nuclear Antibody, Type 1, CSF
  • Amphiphysin Antibody, CSF
  • GAD65 Antibody CSF (reflex)
  • Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) IgG CSF (reflex)
  • Amphiphysin Antibody Western Blot CSF (reflex)
  • Paraneoplastic Antibody Western Blot CSF (reflex)
  • CRMP-5 IgG CSF (reflex)
  • Hu Antibody, CSF
  • Anti-Yo, CSF
  • Anti-Ri, CSF
  • Anti-Hu, CSF
  • Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Type 2, CSF
  • Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Type 3, CSF
  • AGNA-1, CSF
  • Yo Antibody, CSF
  • Ri Antibody, CSF
Reference Laboratory
Mayo PAC1
Special Testing
Specimen Requirements

Collect specimen in a sterile tube or container. Refrigerate.

Normal Volume
4 mL CSF
Minimum Volume
2 mL CSF
Additional Information

Test includes Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 1, Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 2, Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 3, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody Type 1, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody Type 2, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody Type Tr, Amphiphysin Antibody, Anti-Glial Nuclear Autoantibody Type 1, and CRMP-5-IgG. The following tests are reflexed at an additional charge when indicated: Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Western Blot (WBLTC), GAD65 Antibody (GD65C), CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot (CRMP5), NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS (NMOFC), NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS Titer (NMOTC), Amphiphysin Antibody Western Blot (AMWBC), NMDA-R Ab CBA (NMDCC), NMDA-R Ab IF Titer (NMDIC), AMPA-R Ab CBA (AMPCC), AMPA-R Ab IF Titer (AMPIC), GABA-B-R Ab CBA (GABCC), GABA-B-R Ab IF Titer (GABIC), GKC-complex antibody IPA (VGKCC), LGI1 (LG1CC) and/or CASPR2 (CS2CC). By ordering this test the clinician acknowledges that additional reflex testing will be performed and billed at a separate additional charge if indicated. Test sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories.

CPT Code
86255 x9
Fee Code
AA241 x9
Reflex CPT
WBLTC 84182, CRMP5 84182, GD65C 86341, AMWBC 84182, NMOFC 86255, NMOTC 86256, NMDCC 86255, AMPCC 86255, GABCC 86255, NMDIC 86256, AMPIC 86256, GABIC 86256, VGKCC 83519, LG1CC 86255, CS2CC 86255
Reflex Fee Code
WBLTC 37972, CRMP5 37973, GD65C 30955, AMWBC 38138, NMOFC 38139, NMOTC AA255, NMDCC AA193, AMPCC AA195, GABCC AA197, NMDIC AA194, AMPIC AA196, GABIC AA198, VGKCC AA199, LG1CC AA332, CS2CC AA333
NY State Approved