Test Overview
Aid in the diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurological autoimmune disorders related to carcinoma of lung, breast, ovary, thymoma, or Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Interpretive report provided.
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
Negative results do not exclude cancer.
Test Details
10 - 17 days
- Anti Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 1, 2, or 3 CSF
- Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Type 1, CSF
- Antineuronal Nuclear Antibodies CSF
- Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody, Type Tr, CSF
- Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody, Type 2, CSF
- Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody, Type 1, CSF
- PCA-2, CSF
- PCA-1, CSF
- Anti-Glial Nuclear Antibody, Type 1, CSF
- Amphiphysin Antibody, CSF
- GAD65 Antibody CSF (reflex)
- Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) IgG CSF (reflex)
- Amphiphysin Antibody Western Blot CSF (reflex)
- Paraneoplastic Antibody Western Blot CSF (reflex)
- CRMP-5 IgG CSF (reflex)
- Hu Antibody, CSF
- Anti-Yo, CSF
- Anti-Ri, CSF
- Anti-Hu, CSF
- Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Type 2, CSF
- Neuronal Nuclear Antibody, Type 3, CSF
- Yo Antibody, CSF
- Ri Antibody, CSF
Specimen Requirements
Collect specimen in a sterile tube or container. Refrigerate.
Additional Information
Test includes Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 1, Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 2, Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Antibody Type 3, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody Type 1, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody Type 2, Purkinje Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody Type Tr, Amphiphysin Antibody, Anti-Glial Nuclear Autoantibody Type 1, and CRMP-5-IgG. The following tests are reflexed at an additional charge when indicated: Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Western Blot (WBLTC), GAD65 Antibody (GD65C), CRMP-5-IgG Western Blot (CRMP5), NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS (NMOFC), NMO/AQP4-IgG FACS Titer (NMOTC), Amphiphysin Antibody Western Blot (AMWBC), NMDA-R Ab CBA (NMDCC), NMDA-R Ab IF Titer (NMDIC), AMPA-R Ab CBA (AMPCC), AMPA-R Ab IF Titer (AMPIC), GABA-B-R Ab CBA (GABCC), GABA-B-R Ab IF Titer (GABIC), GKC-complex antibody IPA (VGKCC), LGI1 (LG1CC) and/or CASPR2 (CS2CC). By ordering this test the clinician acknowledges that additional reflex testing will be performed and billed at a separate additional charge if indicated. Test sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories.