Test Overview
Microscopic exam
To detect Schistosoma haematobium infection
No parasites seen
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
A single negative result does not rule out the possibility of parasitic infestation.
Test Details
8 - 24 hours
Specimens received Friday 3pm through Sunday 3pm will have an extended analytic time.
- Bilharziasis
- Filaria Exam, Urine
- Microfilaria Exam, Urine
- Parasite Exam, Urine
- Schistosoma haematobium Exam, Urine
Specimen Requirements
Collect 24 hour urine specimen with no preservative. Refrigerate and send entire 24 hour urine collection. Random urine is acceptable; if possible, collect between 12 noon and 3 pm. If urine is bloody, send last portion. Indicate the specific parasite that is suspected. If an unacceptable specimen is received, the client will be notified before disposal of the original specimen.
Refrigerated: 24 hours
Frozen: do not freeze
Additional Information
Microfilaria may be detected in urine of patients with chylyria, in heavy infections or following treatment. If Trichomonas infection is suspected, see Trichomonas vaginalis Culture (TRICH) or Trichomonas vaginalis PCR (TVAGU or CGTU/CGTMU for a complete STI panel). With hematuria, eggs may be trapped in the blood and mucus in the last voided urine.