Test Overview
Microscopic Exam
Establish the diagnosis of parasitic infestation
No parasites seen
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
The specimen will be examined for parasites only. One negative result does not rule out the possibility of parasitic infection. It is unlikely that trophozoites can be detected in specimens which are not sent in the appropriate transport vial.
Test Details
48 hours
Specimens received on Friday 3pm through Sunday 3pm will have an extended analytic time.
- Trichrome Stain
- Feces, Ova and Parasites
- Parasite Exam, Stool
- Parasite Examination, Stool
- Rectal, Ova and Parasites
- Sigmoid, Ova and Parasites
- Stool, Ova and Parasites
Specimen Requirements
Collect fresh random stool or sigmoid specimen. Stool specimens MUST be sent in Ova and Parasite transport kit. Emulsify stool specimen thoroughly in transport vial fluid. Continue adding stool to the transport until specimen reaches the fill line. Transport kits may be held up to 1 week at room temperature. RECOMMENDED SCREENING: 2 stool specimens, one every other day. Indicate specimen source and collection date/time. Specimens contaminated with urine, water, or interfering substances such as barium, bismuth, Metamucil, caster oil, or mineral oil are unacceptable. If unacceptable specimen is received, the client will be notified before disposal of the original specimen. Only submit 1 specimen per day.
See MLabs Stool Specimen Collection Instructions available online at https://mlabs.umich.edu/media/175 for patient instructions.
Gastrointestinal panel (GIPAN) should be considered at additional cost, when multiple stool tests are desired . GIPAN is performed by real time PCR and identifies 21 stool pathogens.
Refrigerated: No
Frozen: No
Additional Information
Test includes microscopic examination of concentrate and trichrome stained smear. PMN, red blood cells and Charcoal-Leyden crystals are reported if present.