Test Overview
Test Methodology


Test Usage

Identify organism suspected of being pathogenic

Test Details
Days Set Up
Analytic Time

Preliminary results are reported in 18-24 hours.

Soft Order Code
  • Anaerobe Identification
  • Fungus Identification
  • Identification, Fungus
  • Identification, Anaerobe
  • Bacteria Identification
  • Identification, Bacteria
  • Mold Identification
  • Yeast Identification
  • AFB Identification
  • Aerobe Identification
  • Acid Fast Bacilli Identification
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Transport all organisms at room temperature. Indicate specimen source and collection date/time on requisition. 1) Aerobic Bacteria: Swab organism from pure culture and send swab in aerobic transport tube. Do not send plate. 2) Anaerobic Bacteria: Place actively growing organism on anaerobic plate or in broth, then put in anaerobic transport bag. Place inside clear, liquid tight bag. Seal tape liner according to instructions on bag. Place sealed bag and requisition inside white biohazard envelope and seal. 3) Fungus and Molds: Send actively growing organism in either sealed plate or culture tube. Place inside clear, liquid tight bag. Seal tape liner according to instructions on bag. Place sealed bag and requisition inside white biohazard envelope and seal. Enclose in fiberboard outer box. 4) AFB: Send actively growing organism in sealed culture tube. Place inside clear, liquid tight bag. Seal tape liner according to instructions on bag. Place sealed bag and requisition inside white biohazard envelope and seal. Enclose in fiberboard outer box.

MLabs will identify organisms from patient specimens; environmental specimens are not acceptable.
Normal Volume
1 plate or tube (ESwab)
Minimum Volume
1 plate or tube (ESwab)
Additional Information

Test includes screening culture for pathogenic organisms. Additional culture for definitive identification will be performed at an additional charge if indicated. By ordering this test the clinician acknowledges that additional reflex testing will be performed and billed at a separate additional charge if indicated. Test includes susceptibility testing of potentially pathogenic organism(s) at an additional charge unless specifically declined.

CPT Code
87081 Screening Culture, 87077 Aerobic Bacteria, 87076 Anaerobic Bacteria, 87106 Yeast, 87107 Mold, 87797 AFB
Fee Code
20234 ORID/ANID/FNID, 32322 AFBID, 32375 YID, 32376 MID, 32214 BIDFEE/VID, 32213 AIDFEE
NY State Approved