Test Overview
Test Methodology


Test Usage

Neurotensin is a 13 amino acid peptide produced primarily by endocrine cells of the ileal mucosa. Physiological actions of Neurotensin include hypertension, vasodilation, hyperglycemia, and inhibition of gastric motility. Its C-terminus is similar to Angiotensin I. It is a potent analgesic affecting hypothermia, muscle relaxation, and decreased motor activity. Pancreatic Polypeptide secretion is strongly stimulated by Neurotensin. Neurotensin appears to cause the release of Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone and Corticotropin Releasing Hormone effecting the release of Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, and ACTH but not Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or Growth Hormone. Neurotensin also stimulates pancreatic bicarbonate and intestinal secretion. Neurotensin levels are stimulated by food and Bombesin. Elevated levels have been found in pancreatic endocrine tumors, Oat Cell, Squamous Cell, and Adeno Carcinomas. Elevated levels have been found to cause watery diarrhea.

Reference Range *

50 - 100 pg/mL

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday
Analytic Time

6 - 12 days

Soft Order Code
Reference Laboratory
Mayo FNEUR (90156) (Interscience)
Special Testing
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Collect specimen in "Z tube" (red top with preservative), available from MLabs, from a fasting patient (10-12 hour fast). Patient should not be on any antacid medication or medications that affect gastroentero-intestinal function, if possible, for at least 48 hours prior to collection. Following collection place Vacutainer® tube on ice, then centrifuge, aliquot plasma into a plastic vial, and freeze. If possible, discontinue insulin medication prior to collection.

Special Handling

Fasting specimen. Requires special "G.I. Preservative" tube. Place on ice.

Normal Volume
3 mL plasma
Minimum Volume
1 mL plasma
Additional Information

Test sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories; performed by Interscience Institute.

CPT Code