Test Overview
Test Methodology

Chromium Release

Test Usage

Natural Killer (NK) cells, a component of the cell-mediated arm of the immune system, mediate destruction of some types of tumor cells and virus-infected cells. Decreased NK cytotoxicity is associated with impaired immune surveillance, and may explain a predisposition to malignancy and viral infections. Increased NK cytotoxicity has been observed in women with a history of spontaneous abortions.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday
Analytic Time

3 days

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
NK Function (Sendout)
  • Natural Killer Cell Activity
  • NK cell Functional
  • NK cell
  • Natural Killer Cell Functional Assay
  • NK Function
Reference Laboratory
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Diagnostic Immunology Laboratory #2900800
Special Testing
Specimen Requirements

Specimen must be collected between 12 noon and 4pm to arrive in Cincinnati within stability. Collect sufficient specimens in green top tubes. Send intact whole blood at room temperature. Do not refrigerate or freeze. Specimens are accepted by MLabs Monday through Thursday between 12:00 noon and 4:00 pm only and must be received by performing laboratory within 24 hours of collection. Call for a STAT courier if collecting off site

Collection Instructions

Specimen must be collected between 12 noon and 4pm to arrive in Cincinnati within stability. Collect sufficient specimens in green top tubes. Send intact whole blood at room temperature with a STAT courier. Do not refrigerate or freeze. Specimens are accepted by MLabs Monday through Thursday between 12:00 noon and 4:00 pm only and must be received by performing laboratory within 24 hours of collection.

Special Handling

Specimen must be collected Monday - Thursday between 12:00 noon and 4:00 pm. Call a STAT courier if collecting off site.

Normal Volume
10 mL heparinized whole blood
Minimum Volume
10 mL heparinized whole blood
Storage Temperature
Rejection Criteria
ACD specimens are not acceptable.
Additional Information

Test sent to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

CPT Code
86352, 86357
Fee Code
AA712, AA713