Test Overview
Test Methodology

Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)/DNA Probe Hybridization

Test Usage

Detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon species in stool and urine specimens to support the clinical diagnosis of microsporidiosis.

Reference Range *


* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

This test detects DNA from Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon species and does not detect the less common microsporidia. These 2 genera are the most common causes of intestinal and renal microsporidiosis. While this assay is designed to detect symptomatic infection with Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon species, it may detect asymptomatic carriage and should only be used for patients with a clinical history and symptoms consistent with microsporidiosis.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Tuesday - Friday
Analytic Time

2 - 4 days

Soft Order Code
  • Feces, Microsporidia
  • Feces, Microsporidium
  • Parasite Exam, Microsporidia
  • Stool, Microsporidia
  • Stool, Microsporidium
Reference Laboratory
Special Testing
Specimen Requirements

Collect fresh random stool or sigmoid specimen and send in Ova and Parasite transport kit (ECOFIX™). Emulsify stool specimen thoroughly in vial fluid. Continue adding stool to the transport until specimen reaches the fill line. Send at room temperature (preferred), refrigerated, or frozen within 7 days of collection. Unpreserved stool specimens (refrigerate or freeze up to 7 days) are also acceptable. Urine specimens are also acceptable; send 5 mL (minimum 0.5 mL) random urine in a sterile container, refrigerate.

Normal Volume
5 grams stool
Minimum Volume
1 gram stool
Storage Temperature
Refrigerated (preferred), Room Temperature, or Frozen: 7 days
Additional Information

Test sent to Mayo Medical Laboratories.

CPT Code
NY State Approved