Update Type: Reference range changed
Test Updated: 06/26/2024
Test Overview
Test Methodology

Enzymatic Colorimetric

Test Usage

Assess risk for developing coronary heart disease.

Reference Range *

Cholesterol: 18 yrs: 240 mg/dL. CHOLESTEROL CHILDREN: (ages 0-18 yrs): Desirable <170 mg/dL; Borderline High 170 - 199 mg/dL; High >200 mg/dL. TRIGLYCERIDES ADULTS: Desirable <150 mg/dL; Borderline High 150 - 199 mg/dL; High 200 - 499 mg/dL; Very High >500 mg/dL. HDL: Low <40 mg/dL; Normal 40 - 60 mg/dl; High >60 mg/dL (negative risk factor for CHD). LDL: Optimal <100 mg/dL; Near Optimal: 100 - 129 mg/dL; Borderline High 130 - 159 mg/dL; High 160 - 189 mg/dL; Very High >190 mg/dL. Patient's individual LDL-cholesterol goal may differ based on the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. TRIGLYCERIDES CHILDREN AGES 0-9 YRS: Desirable <75 mg/dL; Borderline High 75 - 99 mg/dL; High >100 mg/dL. TRIGLYCERIDES CHILDREN AGES 10-18 YRS: Desirable <90 mg/dL; Borderline High 90 - 129 mg/dL; High >130 mg/dL.

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Daily, 24 hours
Analytic Time

4 hours

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Lipid Panel
  • Coronary Heart Disease Profile
  • CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) Profile
  • Profile, CHD (Coronary Heart Disease)
  • Lipid Profile
  • FLP (Fasting Lipid Profile)
  • Cardiac Risk Profile
Chemical Pathology
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Collect specimen in an SST tube after an overnight (12 hour) fast. Centrifuge, aliquot serum into a plastic vial and refrigerate.

Special Handling

Fasting specimen.

Alternate Specimen
Red top or Green top (sodium or lithium heparin) tube. [rev 11/09]
Normal Volume
0.5 mL serum
Minimum Volume
0.25 mL serum
Additional Information

Test includes Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol (calculated), and Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio. The direct LDL Cholesterol level (DLDL) will be performed automatically at an additional charge if the Triglyceride level is greater than 400 mg/dL and less than 3000 mg/dL. By ordering this test the clinician acknowledges that additional reflex testing will be performed and billed at a separate additional charge if indicated.

CPT Code
Fee Code
Reflex CPT
Reflex Fee Code
NY State Approved