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Prior Authorization Required*
*If prior authorization is not submitted, test may be delayed.
Test Overview
Test Methodology

Allele-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with capillary electrophoresis detection.

Test Usage

This test is used for qualitative detection of the KIT c.2447A>T (D816V) mutation found in most adults (>80%) with systemic mastocytosis. Detection of the KIT D816V mutation can aid in diagnosis of systemic mastocytosis and guide choice of therapy since it is associated with resistance to imatinib mesylate. The KIT D816V mutation also occurs in some cases of acute myelogenous leukemia and seminoma. This test is not intended to detect minimal residual disease.

Reference Range *

Interpretive report provided.

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

The limit of detection of this assay is 1% mutation-bearing cells. Mutations may not be detected in samples with a neoplastic burden below this level. Mutations other than KIT D616V will not be detected by this assay.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday
Analytic Time

2 - 7 days

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
KIT D816V Mutation
  • Systemic Mastocytosis
  • KIT c.2447A>T (D816V) Mutation
  • c-KIT Mutation
  • KIT Asp816Val Mutation Analysis
Molecular Diagnostics
Molecular Diagnostics
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Collect blood or bone marrow in a lavender top tube. Refrigerate and send intact blood or bone marrow specimen within 48 hours of collection. Fresh cell suspensions in RPMI should be refrigerated and sent, preferably within 48 hours. Frozen cell suspensions – preferably frozen with 1 hour of collection – may also be sent frozen on dry ice. Fixed cytogenetic cell suspensions or pellets in Carnoy’s fixative. Refrigerate and send. For formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, a block containing the high percentage of neoplastic cells is preferred. Unstained, UNBAKED slides (5-8, 10-micron slides; 10-15 if few neoplastic cells are present) with associated H&E stained slide are also acceptable. Decalcified tissue or other fixatives will be accepted and the assay attempted, however these may result in failed testing due to degraded nucleic acid. Both blocks and slides should be stored at room temperature.

Alternate Specimen
The preferred specimen is whole blood or bone marrow collected in EDTA (lavender top). However, ACD (yellow top) and heparin (green top) may also be accepted. Previously extracted DNA may also be accepted.
Normal Volume
5 mL EDTA (lavender) whole blood; 3 mL EDTA (lavender) bone marrow; Fresh/frozen cells in RPMI; Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (preferably not decalcified); Fixed cytogenetic cell suspensions or pellets in Carnoy’s fixative. Extracted DNA is also acceptable if extracted in a CLIA certified laboratory.
Additional Information

By ordering this test the clinician acknowledges that informed consent has been obtained from the patient as required by applicable state or federal laws and the ordering clinician has authorization from the patient permitting MLabs to report the test results to the ordering clinician. Test includes pathologist interpretation of results billed as a separate additional charge. This test is not available without interpretation.

CPT Code
Fee Code
Pro Fee CPT
NY State Approved