Test Overview
Test Methodology

Immunoassay (IA) • Hemagglutination • Nucleic Acid Amplification • Transcription Mediated-Amplification (TMA)

Reference Range *

By Report

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Details
Analytic Time

12 - 14 days

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
    Reference Laboratory
    Quest Valencia (93306)
    Special Testing
    Specimen Requirements
    Collection Instructions

    Collect sufficient tubes to ensure required volumes can be obtained once the specimen has been spun and separated. Spin, aliquot (AND label as serum or plasma) into plastic screw capped aliquots. Send to Specimen Processing, along with the urine, refrigerated.

    Normal Volume
    6 mL serum AND 6 mL plasma AND 2 mL random urine in Aptima
    Minimum Volume
    4 mL serum AND 4 mL plasma AND 2 mL random urine in Aptima
    Additional Information

    Test includes: Donor, C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae, RNA, TMA; Donor, HIV-1/-2 plus O Antibody Screen; Donor, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Reflex to Confirm; Donor, Hepatitis B core Total Antibody; Donor, Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV); Donor, HIV-1/HBV/HCV NAT Procleix® with Reflex to HIV-1/HBV/HCV Discriminatory; Donor, West Nile Virus NAT; Donor, HTLV-I/II Antibody Screen; Donor, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Total Antibodies; Donor, Syphilis IgG Antibody

    If the Donor, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen is reactive, then Donor, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Confirmation will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code: 87341).
    If Donor, HIV-1/HBV/HCV/NAT Procleix® with Reflex is reactive, then the Donor, HIV-1 Discriminatory (CPT code: 87535), Donor, HBV Discriminatory (CPT code: 87516), and Donor, HCV Discriminatory (CPT code: 87521) will be performed at an additional charge.

    CPT Code
    87491, 87591, 86703, 86704, 86803, 87801, 87798, 86790, 86644, 86780
    Fee Code
    AA612, AA613, AA614, AA615, AA616, AA617, AA618, AA619, AA620, AA621, AA622
    NY State Approved