Test Overview
Test Methodology

Automated microfluidics immunoassay method

Reference Range *

IL-18 < or = 477 pg/mL

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

Values of IL-18 measured with the current method generally run 25% lower than measured with the previous ELISA method.

Test Details
Analytic Time

14 - 16 days

Soft Order Code
    Reference Laboratory
    Cincinnati Children's Hospital Diagnostic Immunology Laboratory LAB00541
    Special Testing
    Specimen Requirements

    Collect specimen in an red top tube. Spin immediately and aliquot into 2 screw capped tubes. Send to Specimen processing frozen

    Collection Instructions

    Collect specimen in a red top or SST tube. Specimen MUST be into sendouts no later than 430pm on Thursday to make the UPS shipment. If specimen will be received by Cinci wihtin 48 hrs of collection, it can remain as whole blood. Spin and freeze if it will be longer than 48 hrs to arrival.

    Special Handling

    Specimen can remain as whole blood, as long as it is received by Cincinnati within 48 hours. Spin, aliquot and freeze if shipping will be longer than 48 hr receipt at Cinci.

    Normal Volume
    1 mL serum, split into 2 aliquots
    Minimum Volume
    0.5 mL serum split into 2 aliquots (one 0.2 mL aliquot is acceptable)
    Storage Temperature
    Ambient or frozen depending on timing of shipping
    Rejection Criteria
    Whole blood sent frozen.
    Blood collected in wrong container/tube type.
    Separated serum sent room temperature or refrigerated.
    Additional Information

    Test performed by Cincinnati Children's Diagnostic Immunology Laboratory

    CPT Code
    Fee Code
    NY State Approved