Test Overview
Direct immunofluorescence using flow cytometric techniques.
Confirmation of diagnosis and immunophenotype of mast cell disorders. Phenotypic profiling of mast cells in bone marrow as an adjunct to client's morphological evaluation. See http://www.pathology.med.umich.edu/handbook/Tables/Flow_Cytometry_Panel… for all Flow Cytometry Panels.
Pathologist interpretation of results provided.
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
Requires an adequate number of viable cells for analysis. Improper collection or transport may result in decreased cell viability and cancellation of testing.
Test Details
Saturday, 8:00am - 12:00pm
8 - 48 hours
- Mastocytosis Panel
- Mast Cell Panel
- Immunophenotypic Mast Cell Panel
- Panel 6: Mastocytosis
Specimen Requirements
The following information is required on a Hematopathology Consult requisition:
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Relevant clinical history
Clinical or morphological findings and suspicions
Date and time of collection
Phone number and after hours pager number for ordering physician
Add 1-2 ml first pull bone marrow aspirate to a green sodium heparin Vacutainer® tube and transport at room temperature within 12 hours of collection.
Include 4 unstained aspirate smears.<li>
Additional Information
Test includes pathologist interpretation of results billed as a separate additional charge. This test is not available without interpretation. Additional markers will be run if clinically indicated. By ordering this test, the clinician acknowledges that additional reflex testing will be performed and billed at a separate additional charge if indicated. For consultation, contact the MLabs Client Services Center or Flow Cytometry Laboratory at 76-39420.