Test Overview
Test Methodology

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Test Usage

HHV-8 is also known as Kaposi Sarcoma, a malignancy of the skin. HHV-8 is not ubiquitous like most other herpesviruses. The distribution of HHV-8 is related to a combination of geographic factors and behavioral risk factors. Primary infection of HHV-8 in immunocompromised children is associated with fever and maculopapular rash. Numerous studies have documented the risk of developing KS among organ transplant recipients and patients taking immunesuppressive drugs.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Analytic Time

2 - 5 days

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
HHV-8 DNA by PCR, Blood
    Reference Laboratory
    Viracor Eurofins 8016
    Special Testing
    Specimen Requirements
    Collection Instructions

    Collect specimen in a lavender top (EDTA) tube. Send intact specimen at room temperature

    Alternate Specimen
    Acceptable specimen types (1/23/12): BAL, bronch wash, CSF, fecal, tissue, trach asp, trach wash which would all be ordered as an "SO".
    Normal Volume
    2 mL EDTA whole blood
    Minimum Volume
    0.5 mL EDTA whole blood
    Storage Temperature
    Ambient preferred, but if specimen will not be received by Viracor within 96 hours, the whole blood specimen can be frozen.
    Rejection Criteria
    Specimen must be received by Viracor within 96 hours of collection, if shipping ambient
    Additional Information

    Test sent to Viracor Eurofins.

    CPT Code
    Fee Code
    NY State Approved