Test Overview
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
Test Details
5 - 7 days
- Monkey Scratch
- Monkey Bite
- Herpesvirus simiae
- Herpes B Simian
Specimen Requirements
Collect specimen in a red top or SST tube. Centrifuge, aliquot serum into a plastic vial and refrigerate up to 1 week or freeze for longer storage. Acute and convalescent specimens are recommended; please label specimens appropriately. Convalescent specimen should be collected 2-3 weeks after injury.
There is a specimen submission form that must be filled out by the ordering provider and sent with the sample to Sendouts.
Submission Form: https://biotech.gsu.edu/virology/PDFs/2015%20Submission%20Form.pdf
There is a specimen submission form that must be filled out by the ordering provider and sent with the sample to Sendouts.
Additional Information
B Virus naturally occurs in macaque monkeys. While relatively benign in its natural host, the alphaherpesvirus can cause rapidly ascending encephalomyelitis with a fatality rate of approximately 80% if spread to humans (through bites, scratches, splashes, or needle-stick injuries). B virus directly affects the central nervous system of infected humans and nonhuman primates. Test performed by National B Virus Center, Atlanta, GA.