Test Overview
Test Methodology

Microscopic exam

Reference Range *

No fungal elements seen

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

Cultures are more sensitive than direct smears. Therefore, the fungus smear may be negative when the culture is positive. More accurate results are obtained with culture.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Analytic Time

Preliminary results are reported in 12-24 hours. The health care provider will be notified of smears positive with possible systemic pathogens.

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Fungus Smear Only
  • Calcofluor Stain
  • Cryptococcus Stain
  • FNGS
  • KOH Preparation
  • PAS Smear
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Collect specimen according to instructions for culture of specific site. Order culture and smear if specimen is adequate, order smear only if specimen is insufficient for both or culture has already been sent. Do not refrigerate or incubate. Indicate specimen source, collection date/time, current antibiotic therapy and clinical diagnosis. If unacceptable specimen is received, the client will be called and another specimen will be requested before disposal of the original specimen.

Normal Volume
Same as for culture of specific site
Minimum Volume
Same as for culture of specific site
Additional Information

Test includes Calcofluor stained smear for all specimens and KOH preparation for hair, skin or nails. Please note that the KOH preparation is used only for the detection of fungal elements from hair, skin or nails.

CPT Code
87206 Smear, 87220 KOH Prep
Fee Code