Test Overview
Test Usage

To establish the presence of primary or metastatic malignant neoplasm.

Reference Range *

Interpretive report provided.

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

Improper fixation or air drying of cellular material, inadequate cellularity, or allowing specimen to freeze may lead to specimen rejection or unsatisfactory results.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm
Analytic Time

24 - 48 hours

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
FNA Sample to Cytology
  • Aspiration Cytology
  • Needle Aspiration Cytology
  • FNA
  • Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Patients may be referred to the University of Michigan Health System for fine needle aspiration of superficial masses to be performed by Cytopathology faculty. Please call 734-936-6799 to schedule an appointment. ASPIRATION PROCEDURE FOR SUPERFICIAL MASSES:
[list order = Y]
Cleanse the skin over the lesion with an alcohol swab. If local anesthesia is needed, use ethyl chloride spray or 1% lidocaine.
Fix the mass between your fingers to immobilize the mass during the needle passes.
Carefully poise the 23 or 25-guage needle at right angles to the surface of the skin, just touching the point of insertion. Quickly introduce the needle through the skin and advance it into the mass. When the needle has entered the mass, apply strong suction.
Apply negative pressure to the syringe and move the needle back and forth within the mass and in different directions to effect the cutting action of the needle point and retain cells in the needle hollow.
It is not necessary to see visible aspirated material in the hub, but the moment blood or any material appears in the hub, stop aspirating but do not remove the needle from the mass until pressure on the plunger is released; this will allow cells to be contained in the needle and not the syringe. If you do not release the suction, the aspirated material will enter the barrel of the syringe and may result in loss of cellular material as it is difficult to recover material from the syringe.
Place the entire sample directly in CytoLyt® solution by aspirating CytoLyt® solution through the needle into the syringe and then expelling back into the CytoLyt® container several times (see below). Samples from different anatomic sites should be placed in separate containers or slides, labeled appropriately, and submitted with separate requisitions.
Occasionally the aspirated lesion is cystic. In this case, aspirate as much fluid as possible and place the fluid into the CytoLyt® vial. Resample any residual mass following the procedure described above.
[/list] Submit the CytoLyt® sample along with a completed MLabs Surgical / Cytopathology Requisition form (https://mlabs.umich.edu/media/171), including pertinent patient history. The container should be clearly labeled with the patient’s first and last names as well as a second identifier such as the patient’s birthdate or medical record number. Refrigerate specimens that cannot be delivered immediately and deliver as soon as possible. Do not allow specimens to freeze. See https://mlabs.umich.edu/media/173 for FNA Collection Guidelines.

Additional Information

Call 734-936-6799 to schedule an appointment. Test includes pathologist interpretation of results billed as a separate additional charge or billed to the client as a global fee. Special stains and/or other ancillary studies will be performed when appropriate at an additional charge. By ordering this test the clinician acknowledges that additional reflex testing will be performed and billed at a separate additional charge if indicated.

CPT Code
10021-TC Collection, 88173-TC Interpretation
Fee Code
23119 Collection, 23134 Interpretation
Pro Fee CPT
10021-26 Collection, 88172 Evaluation, 88173-26 Interpretation
Pro Fee Code
10021 Collection, 88172 Evaluation, 88173 Interpretation
NY State Approved