Update Type: Test Resumed
Test Updated: 03/06/2024
Test Overview
Test Methodology

Multiplex Flow Immunoassay

Test Usage

Support the diagnosis of an acute or recurrent infection or demonstrate previous exposure to Epstein Barr Virus.

Reference Range *

Serological Profiles of the EBV Antibody Tests:
VCA IGM VCA IGG EBNA EA Interpretation
Neg Neg Neg Neg Seronegative- susceptible
Pos Pos Neg Pos/Neg Acute primary infection
Neg/Pos Pos Neg/Pos Pos Recent primary infection
Neg Pos Pos Neg/Pos Past infection
Neg Pos Pos Pos/Neg Reactivated infection

Individual responses may differ from these characteristic patterns.
Equivocal results are within 10% of the cut-off concentration for a positive.

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

Assay performance characteristics have not been established for immunocompromised or immunosuppressed patients, cord blood, neonatal specimens or infants. Assay performance characteristics have not been established for the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma and other EBV-associated lymphomas.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday
Analytic Time

24 hours

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody Panel
  • EBV Panel
  • EBV Titers
  • SEBV
Chemical Pathology
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Collect specimen in SST tube. Centrifuge, aliquot serum into a plastic vial and refrigerate.

Alternate Specimen
Red top tube.
Normal Volume
0.5 mL serum
Minimum Volume
0.25 mL serum
Rejection Criteria
CSF is not acceptable.
Additional Information

The Epstein Barr Virus Antibody Panel includes: Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen, IgM (EBVCM); Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen, IgG (EBVCG); Epstein Barr Nuclear Antigen, IgG (EBVNA); and Epstein Barr Early Antigen, IgG (EBVEA). These tests may also be ordered individually.
Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen, IgM: IgM antibodies to VCA are normally present in acute IM and generally absent in convalescence. A rise is indicative of an acute stage of infection or reactivation. The presence of antibodies in otherwise healthy individuals usually indicates immunological exposure either as silent primary infection or reactivation. Antibody levels tend to rise and peak after 3-4 weeks, then decline and usually dissipate after 2-3 months.
Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen, IgG: IgG antibodies to VCA are normally present in acute and convalescent IM. A rise is indicative of an acute stage of infection. The presence of antibodies in otherwise healthy individuals usually indicates immunological exposure either as silent primary infection or past exposure. Antibody levels tend to rise and peak after 3-4 weeks, then decline and usually persist for life.
Epstein Barr Nuclear Antigen, IgG: IgG antibodies to EBNA-1 are rarely present in acute IM and normally rise during convalescence. A rise may be indicative of progression from early to later stages of convalescence. The presence of antibodies in otherwise healthy individuals usually indicates past exposure. Antibody levels will rise to a plateau level in three months to a year and will normally persist for life.
Epstein Barr Early Antigen, IgG: IgG antibodies to EA-D are frequently present in acute IM and generally absent in convalescence. A rise may indicate acute infection, reactivation or chronic infection. The presence of antibodies in other healthy individuals usually indicates reactivation, especially when paired with rising EBNA-1 levels. Antibody levels tend to rise and peak after 3-4 weeks, then decline and usually dissipate after 6 months.

CPT Code
86663 EA, 86664 EBNA, 86665 x2 VCA
Fee Code
36600, 36601, 36602, 36603
NY State Approved