Test Overview
Test Methodology

Cell Culture

Test Usage

Fibroblasts are grown for various metabolic studies to be performed at an external Reference Laboratory.

Test Limitations

Specimens older than 24 hours may not grow. If full thickness biopsy is not obtained, fibroblasts may not be plentiful enough to grow. Specimens collected using non-sterile techniques may have microbial contamination.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm. Call the laboratory at 763-5805 for additional information.
Analytic Time

3 - 6 weeks for sufficient cell growth depending on the recipient laboratory's requirements.

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Cytogenetics, Tissue Culture Only
  • Fibroblast Culture
  • Cytogenetics, Skin Biopsy
  • Tissue Culture for Sendout Testing
  • Cytogenetics, Tissue
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Specimen transport should be arranged so that the specimen is received by MLabs the same day it is collected. Call for a STAT courier if necessary. Obtain skin biopsy. Use alcohol to cleanse skin; do not use betadine. If betadine must be used, wash betadine from skin with alcohol prior to biopsy. Place full-thickness biopsy in Chromosome Media, available from MLabs.

Rejection Criteria
Microbial contamination, formalin fixed, or frozen specimens.
CPT Code
Fee Code
NY State Approved