Test Overview
Stimulated lymphocyte culture and chromosome analysis. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) when indicated.
Evaluation of congenital malformations, still birth, infertility, hypogonadism, amenorrhea (primary), abnormal/ambiguous genitalia, recurrent miscarriage, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Down syndrome, and other suspected chromosomal disorders.
Interpretive report provided.
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
Failure of cells to grow in culture precludes analysis.
Test Details
2-3 weeks
- Cytogenetics, Blood, Constitutional
- Karyotype, Routine
- Karyotype, Peripheral Blood
- Chromosome Analysis for Congenital Disorders
- Chromosome Analysis, Peripheral Blood for Genetic Disorder (Non-malignant)
Specimen Requirements
Specimen transport should be arranged so that the specimen is received by MLabs the same day it is collected. Call for a STAT courier if necessary. Collect specimen in a green top (sodium heparin) tube. Invert the tube several times to prevent clotting. Send the specimen intact at room temperature as soon as possible. DO NOT CENTRIFUGE.
Additional Information
Appropriate FISH testing will be performed at an additional charge when indicated. FISH testing is available for microdeletion syndromes such as DiGeorge, Prader-Willi, and Angelman Syndrome, as well as for chromosome derivatives or marker chromosome (extra chromosome, part of a chromosome, or unbalanced translocation). For additional information on FISH testing and available probes, contact the Cytogenetics Laboratory. When chromosome analysis is requested to rule out certain conditions such as Turner syndrome (when indicated based on initial diagnosis) or suspected mosaicism, an additional cell count and/or special stains may be performed at an additional charge. By ordering this test the clinician acknowledges that additional reflex testing will be performed and billed at a separate additional charge if indicated.