Test Overview
Screen for hemolytic disease of the newborn; facilitate crossmatching should transfusion of the infant be clinically indicated.
Report includes interpretation as appropriate.
* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.
Test Details
1 - 4 hours
- HDN Screen
- Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN)
Specimen Requirements
Blood Bank is not able to share tubes with other laboratories. 1. Specimens are unacceptable if: collected in serum separator tube, contaminated, grossly hemolyzed, of inadequate volume, or not properly labeled with patient identification. 2. Preferably cord blood, venous sample acceptable. Cord blood should be obtained by venipuncture of a cord vessel. Do not obtain specimen by squeezing the cut end of the umbilical cord since tissue thromboplastin interferes with studies.
Additional Information
Test includes: ABO, Rh, IgG Direct Antiglobulin Test, and other tests necessary to establish and rule out the diagnosis of HDN.