Test Overview
Test Methodology

Radiometer Benchtop

Reference Range *

Blood Gas Reference Ranges are available online at http://www.pathology.med.umich.edu/handbook/Tables/BloodGasRefRange.pdf.
*Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results .

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Daily, 24 hours
Analytic Time

15 minutes

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Blood Gas, Mott, Arterial (PBGA) / Blood Gas, Mott, Venous (PBGV) / Blood Gas, Mott, Capillary (PBGC) / Cord Gas, Mott, Arterial (PCBA) / Cord Gas, Mott, Capillary (PCBC) / Cord Gas, Mott, Venous (PCBV) / CRRT circuit Ionized Ca, Mott (CRRTM)
  • Blood Gas, Mott, Arterial
  • Blood Gas, Mott, Venous
  • Blood Gas, Mott, Capillary
  • Cord Gas, Mott, Arterial
  • Cord Gas, Mott, Capillary
  • Cord Gas, Mott, Venous
Pediatric Blood Gas Laboratory
Pediatric Blood Gas
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Because of delays in transit, this test is not recommended for use by MLab clients. CAP requires all blood gas specimens to be analyzed within 30 minutes of collection. To contact C&W Pediatric Blood Gas Laboratory call 734-763-2420. Specimens cannot be collected at MLabs Blood Drawing sites.

Normal Volume
1- mL whole blood for pediatric patients
Minimum Volume
.7 Ml whole blood for pediatric patients
Rejection Criteria
Specimens with a needle attached, air contamination, no end cap, clotted specimens, or specimens received greater than 30 minutes after collection are not acceptable. <b>Vacutainer® tubes will not be accepted </b>.
Additional Information

Please indicate the desired Arterial or Venous Blood Gas Panel: Blood Gas Comprehensive:
Arterial Soft order code use (PBGA) which includes the following parameters: PH,PCO2,PO2,HCO3, Base, Na, K, Ca, Hct, tHB, FO2HB,SO2, FCOHb, FMetHb, FHHB, Lac, Glucose.
Venous Soft order code use (PBGV) which includes the following parameters: PH,PCO2,PO2,HCO3, Base, Na, K, Ca, Hct, tHB, FO2HB,SO2, FCOHb, FMetHb, FHHB, Lac, Glucose
Capillary Soft Order code (PBGC) which includes the following parameters: PH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3, Base, Na, K, Ca, Hct, tHB, FO2HB, SO2, FCOHb, FMetHb, FHHB, Lac, Glucose.
To order Cord Blood with the Soft Code (PCBA) has the following parameters: PH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3, Base,S O2, Hct, tHB.
To order the Cord Blood Soft Code (PCBC) the parameters include: PH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3, Base, SO2, Hct, tHB.
To order the Cord Blood Soft Code (PCBV) with the following parameters: PH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3, Base, Hct, tHB.
To order a venous Circuit Ionized Calcium use Soft order code (CRRTM) use: CA.