Test Overview
Test Methodology

Chromogenic Substrate Assay

Test Usage

The Apixaban assay is a chromogenic assay for the determination of the activity of Apixaban (Eliquis) in plasma and for the monitoring of Apixaban therapy.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Daily, 24 hours
Analytic Time

4 hours

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Apixaban (Eliquis), Anti-Xa
  • Anti-Xa Apixaban
  • Anti-Xa Eliquis
  • Eliquis
  • Anti-10a Apixaban
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

<ul><li>Collect specimen in a 3.2% sodium citrate blue top Vacutainer® tube. Immediately mix by inversion. Specimen should arrive at lab within 3 hours of collection. Transport at room temperature.
</li><li>Alternatively, centrifuge and aliquot plasma into a plastic vial and freeze within 4 hours of collection.
</li><li>Transport on dry ice if frozen aliquot is submitted.
</li><li>Avoid collection of the blood through lines that have been previously flushed with heparin.
</li><liIf the blood must be drawn through a VAD (vascular access device), the line should be flushed with 5 mL of saline and the first 5 mL of blood or six dead space volumes of the VAD discarded.

Normal Volume
Full 2.7mL tube or 1mL plasma aliquot
Minimum Volume
Full 1.8mL tube or 1mL plasma aliquot
Rejection Criteria
Specimens will be rejected if not properly filled, clotted, grossly hemolyzed,contaminated with heparin, or received outside acceptable time limits.