Test Overview
Test Methodology


Test Usage

The amount of isohemagglutinin activity in the serum of the progenitor cell transplant recipient is important information in cases of major ABO incompatible progenitor cell transplantation as it may impact on engraftment. Both IgM and IgG isohemagglutinins are titrated. Anti-A or Anti-B is titered based on the donor and recipient blood types.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 4:00pm
Analytic Time

Within 72 hours of specimen receipt

Soft Order Code
  • Anti-A/B Titration
  • Bone Marrow Transplant Isohemagglutinin Titer
  • Progenitor Cell Transplant Recipient Isohemagglutinin Titer
  • Anti-A/B Titration, BMT
  • BMT Anti-A/B Titration
Blood Bank
Blood Bank
Specimen Requirements
Collection Instructions

Blood Bank is not able to share tubes with other laboratories. Specimens are unacceptable if: collected in serum separator tube, contaminated, grossly hemolyzed, of inadequate volume, or not properly labeled with patient identification.

Normal Volume
6 mL
Minimum Volume
2 mL
Storage Temperature
Additional Information

Values obtained at room temperature and by antiglobulin technique are reported.

CPT Code
86886 x2
Fee Code
21262 IGM TITER, 21263 IGG TITER
NY State Approved