Test Overview
Test Methodology


Test Usage

Isolate and identify anaerobic organisms.

Reference Range *

No growth of anaerobic bacteria

* Reference ranges may change over time. Please refer to the original patient report when evaluating results.

Test Limitations

Identifications will not be performed on cultures yielding 3 or more organisms.
Antibiotic susceptibilities are not performed.

Test Details
Days Set Up
Daily,24 hr
Analytic Time

Preliminary results reported in 12 - 24 hours. Negative cultures are reported after 4 days.

Soft Order Code
MiChart Code
Anaerobic Culture
  • Abscess, Anaerobe Culture
  • Wound Culture, Anaerobic
  • ANNC
  • Culture, Wound, Anaerobe
  • Exudate, Anaerobe Culture
  • Pus, Anaerobe Culture
Specimen Requirements

Collect pus or abscess specimens from the prepared site using sterile technique. DO NOT SEND SWAB. AVOID CONTAMINATION WITH NORMAL FLORA FROM SKIN, RECTUM, VAGINA, OR OTHER BODY SURFACES. Specify current antibiotic therapy, and clinical diagnosis.

Normal Volume
1.0 ml of pus from aspirated site, DO NOT SEND SWABS
Minimum Volume
0.5 ml of pus from aspirated site, DO NOT SEND SWABS
Storage Temperature
1. Ambient: Yes, up to 24 hrs in transport
2. Incubate: No
3. Refrigerate: No
4. Freeze: No
5. For optimum recovery, anaerobe specimens should not be stored.
Rejection Criteria
1. Specimen not in anaerobic transport.
2. Specimen sent on a swab.
3. Specimen with volume of < 1.0 ml not received in anaerobic transport tube.
4. Specimen with volume > 1.0 ml not in transport and older than 3 hours.
5. Specimen was refrigerated (refrigeration inhibits viability of certain anaerobic organisms).
6. SPECIMENS FROM SITES WHICH HAVE ANAEROBIC BACTERIA AS NORMAL FLORA (e.g., throat, rectum, cervix, vagina, sputum, skin and superficial wounds) WILL ROUTINELY BE REJECTED.
Additional Information

Test includes anaerobe culture. Specimens for anaerobic culture should be accompanied by a specimen from the same site for aerobic bacterial culture. If Aerobic culture is not submitted and a direct smear is necessary; a direct smear must requested separately.

CPT Code
Fee Code