Trypanosoma cruzi Antibody IgG
Order Code: ATCRU
CPT Code: 86753
Referral Laboratory: ARUP
Effective July 26, 2021, MLabs will offer Trypanosoma cruzi Antibody IgG (ATCRU) via ARUP. This test replaces Trypanosoma cruzi Antibody IgG (CHAR) from Mayo Medical Laboratories.
Collection Instructions: Collect approximately 2 mL of whole blood in a serum separator tube (SST). Centrifuge and aliquot serum within two hours of collection. Ship refrigerated (preferred), room temp or frozen. Parallel testing is preferred and convalescent specimens must be received within 30 days of the acute specimens. Mark specimens plainly as "acute" or "convalescent.”
Methodology: ELISA
Analytic Time: 1-8 days