Posted Date
Effective Date
Update Type Test Discontinued
CPT Code 83520
Order Code STR



Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibody

Order Code:                             STR

CPT Code:                               83520

Referral Laboratory:                Mayo Medical Laboratories


Effective May 11, 2021 MLabs will no longer offer Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibodies (STR) testing. Per Mayo Medical Laboratories: upon extensive review of the clinical utility of STR: Striational (Striated Muscle) Antibodies, Serum using clinical service data, it was found that despite a statistically significant association with cancer, the test has limited clinical sensitivity and specificity in predicting malignancy or neurological phenotypes. Removal of the striational antibody test from paraneoplastic or Myasthenia gravis evaluations will improve the diagnostic performance of these evaluations while improving turnaround times. There are no recommended alternatives