Acylglycines, Quantitative, Urine
Order Code: ACYLG
CPT Code: 82542
Referral Laboratory: Mayo Medical Laboratories
Acylglycines, QN, U
Order Code: AUG20
CPT Code: 82542
Referral Laboratory: Mayo Medical Laboratories
Effective February 11, 2021, MLabs will replace Acylglycines, Quantitative, Urine (ACYLG) with Acylglycines, QN, U (AUG20) per Mayo Medical Laboratories.
Collection Instructions: Collect approximately 10 mL of urine in a plastic urine tube. Ship the specimen frozen (preferred) or refrigerated.
Methodology: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Stable Isotope Dilution Analysis
Test Analysis: M,W,F Turnaround Time: 5 day
Reference Range: See handbook