Posted Date
Effective Date
Update Type Production schedule change
Order Code EBVCM



Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen, IgM

Order Code:                  EBVCM

Fee Code:                     36603 (CPT 86665)


Epstein Barr Antibody Panel

Order Code:                  EBVPL

Fee Code:                     36600, 36601, 36602, 36603 (CPT 86663, 86664, 86665 x2)


Shipment of reagent for the Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen, IgM assay is delayed due to manufacturer validation issues.  Effective October 2, 2023, MLabs will perform the Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen, IgM assay and the Epstein Barr Antibody Panel which includes this test once per week on Wednesdays until further notice.